LinkedIn reveal top 25 desired employee skills for Irish professionals

Technological skills are the most desirable in a potential employee, according to the 25 most desirable skills revealed by LinkedIn.
Cloud and distributed computing topped the list at number one on the skills that got Irish profressionals hired last year. Statistical analysis and data mining, SEO (search engine optimisation) and SEM (search engine marketing), middleware and integration software, and network and information security took their spot as the remaining top five skills.
Speaking to The Independent, senior HR director for LinkedIn Europe, the Middle East and Africa, Wendy Murphy acknowledged the importance of technology skills.
“Technology skills are highly valued by Irish employers, which may not come as a complete surprise given the growth in the sector in Ireland last year”, Murphy said.
Addressing the implications for students and incoming young professionals, Murphy said the job market was still strong for STEM graduates following on from last year’s growth.
“It is a positive sign though science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) graduates that there is still huge demand for professionals with these skills”, Murphy said.
This is the first year LinkedIn has conducted research of its kind in Ireland.
Conor O’Doherty





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