DCU News

Arts Bursary Launched

October 14, 2015

The DCU Office of Student life is giving students the opportunity to receive financial aid for their artistic pursuits Read more…


Instagram versus the female nipple

October 14, 2015

The #FreeTheNipple movement has recently been battling against a very popular app. Instagram has come under great scrutiny for it’s censorship policy which forbids users from posting photos of topless women, in particular their nipples.
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No Picture

Mo thaithí ag lorg post nua

October 14, 2015

Thosaigh mé mo chéad post part-aimseartha nuair a chríochnaigh mé mo chuigiú bhliain sa mheánscoil. Sé bliana déag d’aois, cailín éirimiúil agus lán sásta m’airgead féin a thuilleadh, thosaigh mé ag obair taobh thiar den Read more…


Social dems seek student vote

October 14, 2015

Communicating with Students’ Union presidents and young people is the way to build a hard policy for education, according to Social Democrat TD for Wicklow/East Carlow, Stephen Donnelly. Read more…


Inspirations: Hazel Robb

October 14, 2015

Most people would probably agree that listing my mother as someone who inspires me is a cliché, but you haven’t met Hazel Robb. Read more…


Amber flag, boost to mental health week

October 14, 2015

The week began with Eve Kerton, last years Welfare Officer, raising the Amber Flag in The Hub on Monday. The Amber Flag is an initiative organised by suicide aware who’s main goal is to promote a culture of positive mental health in the education system and among other organisations. Read more…

Clubs and Socs

E Soc smash target sign ups

October 14, 2015

An estimated 2500 students joined DCU’s Enterprise Society this year, an increase of 56 per cent from last year, according to the society chair, Shane Carter. Read more…