DCU students celebrate the second annual Sober Week

DCU’s Sober Society held the ‘Bank of Ireland Sober Week’ last week. The event challenged students to avoid alcohol for a week, to see the effects of sobriety.

“Sober week is there to make people question their drinking habits and seeing that it’s harder than they thought to even do one week,” Sober Soc’s chairperson Stephen Hallinan told The College View.

The event had a presence online with students sharing their drunken stories and photographs that they would rather forget at #NeverAgain.

“It’s a fun way of people second thinking their drinking habits and know some fun out of their friends”, said Hallinan. “Getting the word out there is so important and hopefully all people have to hear is ‘Sober week’ to know what it’s about.”

Events began on Tuesday, with non-alcoholic ‘Mocktails’ being served on campus to raise money for Alcohol Action Ireland. Wednesday saw them collaborate with DCU’s psychological society for an ‘extreme hide and seek’ event.

Hallinan highlighted events coinciding with sober week like RAG rumble and the Clubs and Societies ball, making it more difficult than expected for participants.

Monday would have seen a coffee evening, but that was cancelled. Hallinan took it well though, saying “things never go as planned when you’re planning on this scale but it’s always good to prepare to fail and to not be afraid to think on your feet.”

It is this fearless attitude that has propelled the young Sober Society to fast growth.

“I think it was just because it’s an original idea. People latched on as soon as they heard what we had to say,” said Hallinan. “I think students never say it but secretly they all wish they didn’t have to drink so much. It was amazing to see people enjoy the idea and it definitely got people talking.”


Ryan McBride

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