Students are in best position to start up businesses, USI finds

Students are in the best position circumstantially to begin start-up businesses, according to the Union of Students in Ireland (USI).

“The typical age of a student is under 25 and financially they do not have larger commitments like family or a mortgage,” Kevin Donoghue, President of USI, told The College View.

“At university there is also access to societies who encourage entrepreneurship, invite mentors in to speak to young people and attract investors who wish to seek new talent,” he said.

There is a wide range of financial support available to students, which are awarded through winning competitions such as the Student Entrepreneur Awards and Ireland’s Best Young Entrepreneur.

Many students have been successful with their business start-ups, including the Trinity BLAZER team, who created a product to save honey bees.

Donoghue said that “most people say they should not have waited to set up business. At university you have these amenities as well as flexibility and a sense of adventure too.”

People can also apply for competitive start-up funds up to three years after graduating.

Enterprise start-up workshops and The Student Summit, which is organised by USI, are also available to help students develop their ideas and talk to professionals.

Laura Roddy

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