Arts Bursary Launched

The Office of Student Life, supported by the Educational Trust has invited DCU undergraduate students to apply for a limited number of Arts Bursaries.

The aim of these bursaries is to encourage students to participate and excel in artistic and cultural pursuits. It achieves this by granting financial aid to students who demonstrate a strong commitment to their chosen field.

“Officially our main aim is to encourage cultural excellence and activities in the arts,” says Dr. Mary Shine Thompson, a board member of the Educational Trust, “but what we really want to do are enhance the overall student experience.”

The bursary is available to students pursuing a diverse selection of artistic endeavours. These are listed under three broad categories, visual arts, performing arts and media practice.

The grant was established in the 2009/2010 academic year. Over fifty students have successfully applied for the bursary.

Applications will be judged by Dr. Thompson, as a board member of the Educational Trust and by Una Redmond as the manager of the Office of Student Life.

Around eight or nine awards are granted each year. While there is no set limit on the amount that can be granted to students, the awards are usually small.

“The awards are relatively modest,” says Dr. Thompson “but we find that even a modest amount of a bursary can really help a student by giving them a sense of the importance of the work they are doing.”

The bursary can be renewed each year if the student is continuing their studies at DCU. The students work, both academic and artistic, will be reviewed to see if they are entitled to keep receiving the grant.

The Office of Student Life ensures that the Arts Bursaries are used for the purpose intended. Recipients are asked to produce proof of how the money was spent.

“You can only use the award for what it was granted,” says Ms Redmond. “We know if people have used them or not. Receipts are required for every purchase.”

Applications should be sent to The closing date for entries is October 16th.


John Casey

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