Points for Law and Government and Engineering courses soar in 2015

The CAO points for the School of Law and Government courses in DCU all rose this year, along with the engineering courses, according to CAO figures.

Economics, Politics and Law (EPL) and Law and Society (BCL) both increased by 20 points this year, while International Relations rose by 10 points. The engineering courses also saw jumps this year, with Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering increasing by 15 points to 405.

The points for Electronic and Computer Engineering, which is new to DCU this year, were 415.

Although the points for most of the science courses rose or stayed the same, some of them saw slight drops in 2015. Analytical science dropped to 410 points this year and Genetics and Cell Biology fell by 15 points to 475.

The points for nursing courses were quite varied in 2015. General Nursing fell by 10 points, while Intellectual Disability Nursing rose by 15 points to 410.

Despite the Humanities courses remaining more or less the same as last year, the course with the largest annual points increase in DCU was Multimedia, which went up by 30 points in 2015.

The DCU Business School courses also saw great variation this year. The points for Global Business (Germany) and Global Business (USA) both fell this year, but the others remained the same or rose by 10 points.

Students needed 570 CAO points to secure a place in the new Global Business (Canada) course, just 10 points less than its sister course, Global Business (USA).

There were no huge changes in the courses of DCU’s sister colleges: St Patrick’s Drumcondra, Church of Ireland College and Mater Dei Institute of Education. Most of their courses rose or fell by five points.

The primary teaching course in St Pat’s rose to 470 points in 2015, five points higher than last year.

Aoibheann Diver

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