DCU Japanese soc founder of national event

DCU’s Japanese society performed in the annual Experience Japan event on April 12, an event they helped begin six years ago.

The event was initially started up by the society in conjunction with Dublin City Council in 2009 and has since merged with different universities. This year, Experience Japan showcased 100 performers and attracted over 150 volunteers, many of whom came from DCU.

Chairman of the Festival’s committee, Hugo O’Donnell said DCU’s involvement in the Festival was very significant. “One of the first groups to get involved with this festival was the Japanese society in DCU and they are a core part, and have been a core part, to Experience Japan,” said O’Donnell.

The event has grown exponentially since it first took place in 2010, attracting over 30,000 people to Farmleigh this year. O’Donnell recalled how successful the event has been saying: “on the first festival in 2010 we had over 20,000 people appear. We were expecting between three and six thousand and we literally didn’t know where people came from.”

Activities on the day included traditional Japanese music and dance performances, as well as Japanese food and souvenirs. There were workshops in activities such as origami for both adults and children. DCU’s Japanese society performed a traditional Japanese dance.

Anthony Kenny, a member of DCU’s Japanese society, performed the dance with the rest of the group and described it as quite difficult. “It’s not so difficult to learn, but it’s very physically demanding. It’s more of an exercise than a dance in some way.”

Kenny described the Japanese society in DCU as one of the best in Ireland. “One of the reasons I came to DCU was because it had a really good Japanese Society, it’s one of the main hubs for Japanese students coming to Ireland.”

The event was launched with the Japanese Sake Barrel opening ceremony, during which Fine Gael TD Simon Harris and Lord Mayor of Dublin Christy Burke, were present.

A Student Seminar on Japan will take place on Sunday 26th April at 2pm in Chester Beatty Library. For more information visit the Experience Japan Facebook page.

Anna Kazadojeva

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