Cold weather problems

In light of the incredibly strange March weather we’ve been getting, there are two tricks that need to be shared. We all know how harmful the cold, dry weather can be for our hair and how damaging the freezing temperatures can be for our lips, so here are two quick and easy home remedies for dry hair and chapped lips.

Honey and Sugar lip scrub:

This really does what it says on the tin. Get a spoonful of good, natural honey and mix it in a small dish with a spoonful of sugar. Scrub your lips with the grainy mixture to remove all chapped and dead skin and voila, shiny new perfectly plump lips.

Egg hair mask:

This is even simpler than the one above. Just grab one egg, beat it in a bowl and apply it to your hair. It might seem a bit gross but all the protein is so good for strengthening, softening and adding shine. I recommend you apply it over the kitchen sink and then wrap your head in cling film. Do not wrap your face as that would be dangerous. Put a towel turban on your head then and leave it for as long as you have time and shampoo afterwards.

Emma Dungan

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