President: Kim Sweeney on CRC, fines and mental health

Kim Sweeney is a final year Analytical Science student. Sweeney is a seasoned Class Rep, holding the role for three years and she is the current Science and Health Convenor. She believes her active role in DCU has prepared her for the role of President.

“I’ve been involved in the DCU community and life for the last four years even though I’ve been really busy with a very hectic course. I’m passionate, I’m hardworking. I give 100 per cent to everything I do.” she said




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Her manifesto boasts ideas such as the introduction of a multi-use student card that students can use across campus for various purposes such as purchasing food in the canteens or in Spar, for printing or for use in the pharmacy. Sweeney says this system will reduce queues and help students to budget.

Sweeney wants to create an appeals structure for students who have had fines imposed upon them by campus accommodation which they deem to be unfair. “The fines on campus can often be stupid. Going into an office with two adults can be quite intimidating, some students don’t fight they just say oh I’ll take the fine.”

As a class rep and convenor of her faculty, Sweeney has identified problems within the Class Rep Council structure: “There’s a Major problem with attendance, lots of Class Reps want to get involved because they think it will look good on your CV but you have to be there to support your class.” She said. “There are issues with people taking over, other people being afraid and intimidated.” She said. “Obviously there is a constitution there and rules and regulations but i think it needs to more relaxed and not as strict with the whole putting in mandates. I think it’ll encourage people better to get involved.” She added.

On the new extension to the Hub, Sweeney wants to ensure a timeline is followed in the construction of the extension and that delays are avoided. She wants the building to be “future-proofed” and carefully considered, taking into account the needs of the student.

Sweeney sees mental health as a priority, if elected she intends to continue the pursuit of an amber flag for the university. In the renovated hub, Sweeney would like to introduce a “mental-health piece of art” and a space that resonates with mental health issues.

She sees the amalgamation of DCU with St Pat’s and Mater Dei as a positive step for the SU. “It’ll add competition for the Students’ Union, which I think is great because you need the best quality candidates running. People that are getting competitive will make the effort to go the extra mile.”

Sweeney is the only female candidate in the presidential race, the role of SU President has been fronted by a male for the past few years. “I’m proud to be the first female candidate to run for president in five years” She said.

“I have passed and failed exams and I have experienced the good and the bad.” Sweeney’s manifesto reads. “I feel I have so much more to give. That is why I want to dedicate a full year to the Students’ Union as I feel I owe it to DCU for giving me such character building experiences which will serve me well in the future.”

Katie O’Neill

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