Style Soc host DCU Fashion Week

DCU Style Society reeled in this year’s Fashion Week with a host of events including Swap Shop and Project Young Designer (PYD), all leading up to the event of the year, the DCU Fashion Show.

The PYD competition, which took place in the Old Bar on Thursday, was host to over 20 young talented DCU designers from across Ireland.

The students were given the chance to showcase their abilities to a panel of judges, including designer, Natalie B Coleman, fashion editor at Stellar magazine, Linda Conway and owner of Om Diva boutique, Ruth Ní Loínsigh.

The winner of the competition will have their own line on sale in Om Diva.

The six finalists’ chosen from the event, who include Geraldine Breen, Agnes O’Leary, Claire Sheridan, Adeola Awodumila, Helen Hayes and Leuween Beattie, will also have their designs on display in the Fashion Show next week, in front of some of the country’s well-known fashion experts.

The society’s chairperson, Emma Kearney, said they are delighted for the designs to be showcased next week.

“I cannot wait for the six finalists to have their pieces displayed next week – we’ll have Brendan Courtney and Sonia Lennon there to adjudicate the event.

It gives the opportunity for focus to be put on the pieces and it was obvious that there was a lot of talent.”

In terms of preparation for the Fashion Show, Emma said there is still a lot of work to be done but it should be a great night for everyone involved.

“With such a huge team of volunteers it will be great, and the choreography and styling looks very impressive. There will be a few surprises on the night too.”

Tickets are currently on sale in The Hub for €12.

Carina Canavan

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