Festive Christmas Cocktails

With everyone’s favourite time of year just around the corner, here are a few seasonal drinks if you (like me), can’t wait to get your Christmas on.

  • Pomegranate Martinis:

50 grams of sugar

170 mls of vodka

115 mls of pomegranate juice

75 mls of lime juice


First, place the 4 martini glasses in the fridge to chill. Then in a small saucepan bring the sugar and 60 mls of water to the boil, remove from heat and allow to cool. Next, in a large jug combine the sugar syrup, juices and vodka with some ice. Separate into 5 glasses, garnish with a wedge of lime and voila.


  • Cranberry Mulled Wine:

340 mls of cranberry juice

A punnet of fresh cranberries

25 grams of sugar

2 cinnamon sticks

670 mls of a dry red wine, (a Cabernet Sauvignon or a Merlot).


In a large saucepan, combine the cranberry juice, sugar and cinnamon sticks. Simmer for fifteen minutes. Then stir in the wine and the cranberries and allow to simmer. Serve warm.


cran mulled wine


  • Rum and Grapefruit Spritzer:

1 grapefruit wedge

450 mls of pink grapefruit juice

225 mls of ginger ale

170 mls of rum

Coarse sea salt


Pour 1 tablespoon of the salt onto a small plate. Rub the grapefruit segment around the rim of the glasses and then place the glasses upside down into the salt. Combine the juice, ale and rum in a large jug and then separate into the prepared glasses and ta-dah.


Emma Dungan

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