The Suss’s Winter Playlist

Winter is cold. You don’t want to go outside. You want to light a fire and it’s only after you’ve braved the outside to buy firelighters that you realise that your student accommodation doesn’t have a fireplace.

We here at The Suss understand this feeling better than most. We know how it feels to have the caretaker in Shanowen Halls come up to your apartment and tell you that having your heating on all day, every day from the start of November until the end of February will end up costing you more in energy bills.

So, when you’re sitting in your accommodation, t-shirt underneath your polo underneath your hoodie underneath your coat, and your teeth are doing your head in because they’re chattering so loudly, here’s something to distract you from the sound and make you forget that you’ve lost a toe to frostbite.

This playlist is meant to warm you up and, more importantly, to keep you sane for the two months straight you’re going to spend indoors. We’ve tried to keep it diverse in selection, but the selection does rely on low-key, mellow tracks with one notable example of Christmas cheer.

P.S. don’t be put off by teen suicide; they’re well aware of how stupid a band name they possess.


1. Paris Jones Feat. April Kelly – “Winter”
2. Joy Division – “Twenty Four Hours”
3. Basement – “Canada Square”
4. Charlie Simpson – “Farmer & His Gun”
5. Hop Along – “Tibetan Pop Stars”
6. Cat Power – “Wild Is the Wind”
7. The Nightmare Before Christmas – “What’s This?”
8. Kanye West – “Christmas in Harlem”
9. Death Cab for Cutie – “The New Year”
10. Bruce Springsteen – “Atlantic City”
11. The Postal Service – “Such Great Heights”
12. Otis Redding – “Cigarettes and Coffee”
13. Bon Iver – “Re: Stacks”
14. The National – “About Today”
15. Ben Howard – “Gracious”
16. Public Service Broadcasting – “Everest”
17. teen suicide – “grim reaper/the same things happening to me all the time, even in my dreams”

Odrán de Bhaldraithe, Mark Hogan and Bryan Grogan

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