UCD purchase 212 live greyhounds over six years for research

A report published recently by Grey2kUSA Worldwide, in conjunction with The League Against Cruel Sports has revealed that University College Dublin purchased 212 greyhounds over the course of six years.

The animals were purchased for approximately €85 each and were subsequently euthanized and used for research and training purposes by the University’s school of Veterinary Medicine.

Figures compiled in the report show that UCD was second only to the Royal Veterinary College in London in terms of the volume of greyhounds used over a six year period. One UCD Veterinary student was keen to stress that the canines were granted a pain-free death, and were treated with ‘great respect’.

However, it is widely known that not all greyhounds are being treated in such a manner. Figures regarding the retirement of racing greyhounds reveal that 12,000 stray and abandoned dogs were picked up from July 2012 to July 2013 in Britain, only a quarter of which were sent to rehoming centres.

Greyhounds are an ideal subject for study purposes in veterinary medicine, as they are generally one of the few breeds of dogs not subjected to cross breeding, thus providing a textbook anatomy for students to learn from.

In 2013, UCD ended the practice of euthanisation and now only use euthanized greyhounds ‘with the express consent of the owner’. This decision was met with approval by animal rights charities and Irish Council Against Blood Sports who continue to campaign for reform within the greyhound industry.

Fiona Keegan

Image Credit: Gmu.edu

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