DIT students hit out at Grangegorman campus

Student’s at the new DIT Grangegorman campus have hit out at the relocation as they believe the new campus is ill-equipped to cater to student’s needs.

The new campus opened its doors to just over 1,000 students in September of this year. Presently , the campus facilitates students of photography, art, design and social sciences but the move has not been well received by all students.

A forum post on broadsheet.ie, posted on October 17, heavily criticises the new campus for not being an efficient space for students. The damning post which was published by an anonymous user, refers to the new campus as a “disaster”. Among their complaints, the user blasts the size of classrooms on campus and raises security concerns

“There are not enough classrooms on campus; classroom are too small and stuff, the windows are painted shut so it makes it worse; there is a lack of security on site despite a number of safety incidents and concerns as well as classes not going ahead because of a lack of electricity and plumbing for the first few weeks.”

The post currently has seen 81 replies which include many students sharing in this frustration. There are also those who expressed their belief that the faults with the campus are: “teething issues” that will be rectified with time.

One angered student that is in agreement with the opinions expressed in the post writes: “Being in Grangegorman now, it seems we are scapegoats to make it look like DIT finally got the ball rolling.”

The student behind the post calls on those in power to deal with the situation

“The heads of school were on several occasions called out on their shortcomings and mistakes in planning. Morale in the college is low obviously. The tutors, technicians, and students are doing the best with what they have though. It is surprising this hasn’t been reported, especially since a number of TDs visited the college only a few weeks ago for photo opportunities.” The user said

DIT intends to host 10,000 students on the new campus by 2017, creating just one single campus for the institute to operate.

Katie O’Neill

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