Liveblog: Class Rep Council, October 2014

The first Class Rep Council (CRC) of the 2014/15 year meets at 3:00pm in HG20 today.

We’re late starting. Education Officer Gary Gillick has already addressed Reps on what they can expect for the year.

3:30 Kenneth Browne outlining the SU’s budget. We’ll hopefully have it here later.

3:42 After Browne answers questions on the budget, students vote to pass it.

3:43 Allan Stevenson and Claire Mullen nominated for chairperson. They both speak now.

3:44 Mullen elected this year’s chair.

3:46 David Heffernan and Daniel Duffy nominated for secretary.

3:47 Final Year Law student Heffernan says he’s involved in Young Fine Gael and could make a good secretary.
First year Communication student Duffy says he would bring with him the experience he gained with national council, Foroige, where he represented Meath.

3:50 Duffy announced as secretary.

3:55 Steven Conlon nominated for and elected Returning Officer.

Conlon filled in as Returning Officer last year. Although absent, he is described as a “fundamental, positive influence” on the council.

3:59 First year journalism student Hannah Kelly, Eoin OBrien, CCS3, Andy Dunne, first year international relations, Ciara McCauley, CCS3, (and one other unconfirmed name) elected as committee members.

4:03 Sean Cassidy proposes that unfilled Officers of Council positions be abolished after elections. Passed. He also proposes the voting for positions is deferred until the next meeting. Passed.

4:06 Cassidy proposes emergency motion. It addresses lack of attendance at previous meetings.

4:07 If passed, there will be “consequences” if Class Reps do not attend meetings.

4:08 CRC attendance is already compulsory, but Cassidy would like motion passed to show good intent of council.

Consequences could see new Class Reps being elected during the year if Reps do not attend meetings without explanation for two meetings in a row.

Reps can miss meetings if apology is given.

Council only asks Reps to attend four meetings a semester.

Current mechanism means classes must propose new Reps if their class isn’t represented twice in a row; this mechanism will see the council go to classes to see if they will elect new members.

4:15 Motion passed.

4:16 Allan Stevenson would like SU to approach Bank of Ireland (BOI) about lack of cash in campus ATMs. Browne says he is already in contact with BOI but because the campus branch’s jurisdiction does not cover all campus ATMs, it will take time for the bank to fix the problem.

4:17 Stevenson wonders will there be more bike sheds to put on campuses, Browne says there will.

Mark Hogan

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