We have all had that horrible feeling the morning after the night before; dry throat, pounding headache, a dodgy tummy from that late night chipper which can have you retching all day long.
It’s not easy to find that one hangover cure that will get you through the day and everybody has their own remedy, whether it be a monster fry up first thing in the morning or a 3 in 1 the next evening after a long hard day of dying in bed.
As helpful as these grease-filled meals may be in the short term, there are a few healthier options which will not only cure your hangover but give you enough energy to forget you even had a drink in the first place.
Here are my top three fool-proof drinks/smoothies that are sure to kick that hangover into next week.
Spinach and Apple Juice
1 handful of spinach
2 apples
1 slice of lemon
Carrot and Apple Juice
3 carrots
2 apples
1 slice of lemon
Mango and Banana Smoothie
1 mango (peeled and chopped)
1 banana
1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon
4-5 cubes of ice
Carina Canavan