DCU student receives Undergraduate Award

A DCU student has won one of the prestigious Undergraduate Awards in the field of psychology.

Fourth year student Diego Garaialde beat students from around the world in order to claim the award. His entry was his final year thesis which was entitled ‘Measuring the Effects of Gaming Principles on the Productivity and Motivation of College Students”.

“This was something I’d worked on for so long and revised so many times that I felt it was the best piece of work I had ever done in an academic sense, and really in any sense,” he says on deciding to submit his work for the award. “I was sitting there with my friend and we both thought, we might as well put ourselves into it.”

The Undergraduate Awards were founded in 2011 in order to highlight the best students globally and bring them together. Diego will join other winners at the Undergraduate Award Summit which will be taking place in Dublin from November 19th-21st. This summit gives stand out students from around the world a chance to meet and take part in numerous events with leading academic minds.

“There are distinguished speakers, workshops, networking options and the chance to spend 3 days with other undergraduates who bring different points of view and experiences,” says Diego. “It should be an interesting opportunity.”

Fourth year DCU student Beryl Boemer was highly commended in the category of International Relations and Politics. Ms Boemer came within the top 10% of entries submitted in her field.


John Casey

Image: www.facebook.com/undergraduateawards

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