Face masks to refresh Fresher faces

I know that for me anyway, after a few nights out on the vino and after a couple of weeks wearing heavy make-up, I somehow start to revert to my fourteen year old self; all of a sudden it’s spot city. So what do you do? It’s the start of a new academic year and everyone has enough to be worrying about, your skin shouldn’t be one of them. So here are three tried and tested facemasks that you should be able to whip together from whatever is at home.

1) The banana mask: for oily, acne prone skin.
This one I swear by, it leaves your skin as smooth as a baby’s bottom after just a couple of uses and it’s oh so simple.

1 very ripe, almost fit for the bin banana
2 teaspoons of good quality honey
A few drops of lemon

Mix all this in a bowl (I do not recommend tasting it), and apply it to your face. It will tickle for the first minute or so until it dries. After fifteen minutes, wash it off with warm water. Then splash your face with cold water to close your pores and voila. You’re gorge.
And, because this mask is all natural, you can whack whatever’s left in the bowl into the fridge and use it as many days in a row as you like.

2) The oatmeal mask: for all skin types.
This one is so relaxing it’s perfect for before bed on a lazy night in.

120 mls of hot (not boiling) water
75 grams of oatmeal
2 tablespoons of plain yoghurt
2 teaspoons of good quality honey
1 egg white
First, mix the oatmeal and water together and leave it to settle for two minutes. Then, add in the yoghurt, honey and egg white. Apply a thin layer on your face, and leave it for fifteen minutes. Finish it just like the banana mask; rinse with warm water and then a splash of cold. You’re glowing and fabulous “honey”.

3) The papaya mask: for blackheads, blemishes and to tighten pores
Okay, so I am aware that most people do not just have papayas floating around their kitchen, but trust me this one is worth a trip to Tesco’s.

1 ripe papaya
¼ tablespoon of brown flour

This one’s lovely and quick. Simply mash the ripened papaya and add the little bit of flour. Apply the mixture to your face and leave it for fifteen minutes. This time, rinse it off with cold water. Hey presto, your skin is dirt and grime free, with visibly smaller pores.

Emma Dungan

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