A lot has happened in the world of art in the time between the last issue of Flux and the first issue of The Suss. Naturally, we can’t cover it all, but we’ve definitely attempted to do so as succinctly as possible so we don’t waste your valuable time.
Sons of Anarchy season seven: Kurt Sutter hates everything and everyone dies.
Orchid Tapes: The best record label of 2014.
Robin Williams: A tragic loss of a man whose delicate moments were just as vital as his comedic ones.
2014 in music so far: A little underwhelming.
2014 in film so far: “A little underwhelming” would be an understatement.
Joyce Manor’s Never Hungover Again: The second best album to be associated with the punk scene this year.
The Fappening: People just make it harder and harder for women to feel safe.
Lil B the Based God’s Basedmoji app: Thank you Based God.
What If: You don’t spend the film thinking about how Daniel Radcliffe is Harry Potter.
iLoveMakonnen: Drake has signed his successor, his assist made the “Tuesday” remix the most important song of the summer.
Arctic Monkeys at Marlay Park: My friends told me that it was really fun.
The return of Jamie T: Outstanding and oh so necessary.
Odrán de Bhaldraithe
Image credit: fanpop.com