DCU and Dublin Airport Authority team up to open new aviation institute

DCU and DAA International have this week teamed up to establish the Dublin Aviation Institute which aims to provide new courses for students looking to work in the aviation sector.

The Institute will be based at Dublin Airport and DCU offering practical work experience as part of the degree programmes. Courses will be offered at both undergraduate and post graduate level.
DCU President Brian MacCraith said that he hopes the new institute will “educate the future leaders of the aviation sector”, acknowledging the key role that aviation plays in the Irish economy.

MacCraith stated that the university, which already offers a B. Sc in Aviation Management, “looks forward to engaging with all aspects of the aviation sector” and he believes the link with DAA International will be “a very successful partnership”.

The Institute will not be used for pilot training but will cater for people who want to work in the aviation industry, the DAA said in their press release last week.

DAA Chief Executive Kevin Toland added that the DAA “together with DCU … can provide the living-laboratory experience of an airport, combined with the academic excellence of a young, dynamic university.”

The courses, which have not yet been finalised, will be offered from next year and hope to attract students from both Ireland and overseas. Training programmes will also be offered and will be based on international standards covering the entire spectrum of the aviation industry.

Minister for Transport Paschal Donohue TD was present at the launch and praised the joint venture remarking that by working together they were “improving the prospects for our future economic development.”

“The Dublin Aviation Institute is an excellent example of how Irish industry can partner with third level institutions to deliver educational programmes that match the needs of both employers and students”, he said.

Alison Ring

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