DCU attending first USI congress since re-affiliation vote

Members of DCU Students’ Union are attending the congress of the Union of Students in Ireland this week after a re-affiliation vote was secured last month.

Places were offered to the three out-going and in-coming SU sabbatical officers to travel to Congress as well as two observers if needed.

“It is important that whoever does travel to congress takes the opportunity to take in what happens there and to be able to engage with the national union in a suitable manner in the future,” DCU SU President, Aaron Clogher said.

The time to submit motions had already passed when DCU re-affiliated with the USI. DCU has yet to receive confirmation of membership so it is unknown whether or not the college will be eligible to vote on this week’s motions.

The USI Education Working Group has proposed student grant reform because of the issues in the current grant scheme which cause difficulties for students. Dublin Regional Council has proposed SUSI training as a motion for the congress because currently grant students do not have a contact with whom they can sit down and discuss their grant issues.

Conor Martin

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