Education: Sean on library hours and programme cutbacks

Sean Rooney is from Donegal and he’s in final year studying for a BCL in Law and Society.
Sean is also running for the position of Education officer on the Students Union council.




Why is he running?

I’d like to really get active in the governing authority and structures that there are here, to ensure that courses aren’t changed, modules aren’t changed and assessment means aren’t changed in the middle of modules. These are practices that have gone on in the past that have absolutely infuriated students.

Sean wants to extend library opening hours…

We need to get the library open longer within the context of a safe study routine and get it open on bank holiday weekends, you know, what’s the point of having the bank holiday weekend to catch up on work, if the library isn’t open?

What he thinks of the funding crisis in college at the minute…

The university is dealing currently with a major funding crisis, particularly due to the fact that there’s been a large increase in the number of students here.
I mean, when I came in in first year there was eleven thousand, six hundred students and we’re now up to over thirteen hundred and we’re having to make do with the same amount of money.

…And on cutbacks in faculties?

Whatever cutbacks are going to be made can’t be made in such a way that it devalues the degree, because what is the point in being in university if the cutbacks are going to mean that the piece of paper you’re going to come out of here with isn’t going to matter?

What he thinks of the Access Service…

It’s absolutely atrocious that Access studnets would have their funding cut, particularly the subsidised accomodation cut. I mean that’s something that, if it is true, and if it is coming down-stream, I will do my hardest to fight against it.

So why is he the best candidate?

I believe that with my background in public policy and with my innovation and drive… and generally my desire to do what I can for students and increase representation for students that I’m the best person for the job.
I mean, nobody puts themselves forward believing that there’s somebody else that is better at the job than them.

Who will you vote for? Tell us in our poll.

Theresa Newman

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