DCU’s community garden officially opens

DCU’s Community Garden was officially opened by DCU President Professor Brian MacCraith last week.

The garden is as a result of a combined project from both the Green Committee and the Students’ Union.

President of the Students’ Union, Paul Doherty told The College View they have great plans for the garden. “A couple of hundred trees will be planted and as well as that, we’re hoping to have beehives put in during the next few weeks”.

Other plans for the garden include opening it out to the wider community, Doherty explained: “When clearing the garden we discovered a gateway into the far estate. We actually plan to break this open and open [the garden] out to the local community as well, to visit as they please.”

The garden is located at the back of St Aidan’s school and covers about two acres of land. The Green Committee have been working on the garden for the past two months by clearing the space which, previous to this, was completely overgrown. The land contains two wooden cabins with full electric and plumbing as well as two former polytunnels and a large glasshouse.

This garden is also a part of the college’s plans to earn three Green Flags this summer. “The College is applying for the Green Flags this summer – biodiversity, waste and energy – and this garden focuses on the biodiversity angle”, Doherty explained. “We have also tackled waste problems by improving recycling facilities across the campus.”

The opening ceremony was attended by about 40 people and Doherty said he was “delighted” with the turnout, considering the bad weather.

Doherty said that he is satisfied with the work done in the garden to date. “It’s a rolling project and we’re happy enough with the progress so far”.

You can keep up to date on the developments made by checking out the Facebook page, ‘DCU Community Garden’.

Sharron Lynskey

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