DCU Drama could “not be more delighted” with their production of ‘Rent’ in the Helix earlier this month, according to the society’s Communications and Marketing Officer Rachel Byrne.
Byrne added that “Every single cast member, whether they be in chorus or leads gave one hundred percent – there were absolutely no weak links”, she said.
The show was on from Wednesday 10th to Friday 12th April with big crowds turning out to admire its three night run.
The musical centred on a group of impoverished young friends struggling with artistic frustration in a thriving New York City under the shadow of HIV/AIDS.
All profits raised throughout the course of the show are set to be donated to DCU Drama’s charity of choice, ‘Bee for Battens’ and although no final figures have been calculated, Rachel says the society is “pretty confident we will be donating a lot this year”.
Auditions for the production took place last semester after reading week with parts announced soon after. The dedicated cast began rehearsals early in semester two, for three nights a week.
When interviewed Byrne emphasised the commitment and devotion the entire cast demonstrated in the run-up to the show.
“We called in cast and crew everyday over the Easter weekend. This show was months in the making”, she said. “Our producer and chair Dallan Shovlin, had been working with his production team of Catherine Connelly and Peadar Gill to make the stage show, and set the spectacle that it turned out to be”.
The show attracted a buzz amongst spectators with much of the audience singing their praises. Audience-member Garrett Lavin said he enjoyed the musical and described the cast as “very strong”.
Another spectator Sean Defoe also enjoyed the performance stating that “RENT was one of the top productions I have ever seen, rivaling professional shows on every level”. He continued, “Top to bottom the cast was superb …The only disappointment I have was that it didn’t run for longer and that I couldn’t see it twice”.
Last week, DCU Drama staged their final performance of this year, ‘12 Angry Men’. This play focused on the trial of a young man who has potentially murdered his father, and the problems the jury faces while studying the evidence. The show was well received by an audience of over 70 people and according to Byrne “people thought it was a really powerful rendition”.
Byrne added that this has been a great year for DCU Drama and spoke about the group’s plans for the following year. “Next year we hope to build on the fantastic year we have had, as impossible as that may seem”.
Sharron Lynskey
Image Credit: Marcin Wichery via Flickr Creative Commons