Laura Rice on her plans for next year

Laura is a third year Communications student and is running for Vice President for Welfare.

If elected, Laura wants to deal with the “nitty gritty” topics of sexual awareness during SHAG week.

There are certain topics that are not discussed here in DCU, Laura says.

Laura says SHAG week in the past has been about the craic, free condoms and having a model in her underwear. She thinks it should be more about creating awareness about the problems to do with sexuality in DCU.

“I’m basically talking about things like sexual assault that do happen in here, in DCU, that people just ignore and don’t really ever talk about.”

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There is an increased need for safety in DCU, with people being attacked while walking up the avenue. Laura says student safety should not be ignored.

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Laura plans to have designated Safe Spots in shops, pubs and public areas around DCU where students can go if they feel threatened.

Shops and restaurants will agree to the initiative, Laura says.

“This will be a serious thing that can help us.”

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Laura’s full manifesto is available on her Facebook page.

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