USI referendum result could be scrapped

Students could face another referendum on affilition to the Union of Students in Ireland (USI) as the February’s result might be scrapped.

A motion on the agenda for this week’s Class Rep Council, which was circulated to class representatives this evening, states that as the student levy was not mentioned on the ballot paper the referendum has no standing. It continues to say that unless declared null and void, DCU’s own Students’ Union would have to foot the bill, putting a “severe financial strain on the SU next year and that current services offered may have to be cut”.

If declared so, another referendum could be held this semester, leading to the third such vote in three years.

Students in USI affilated colleges are required to pay a contribution of €7.50 each year.

This week’s Class Rep Council is to be held at 6:30PM in QG12, this Monday the 25th.

Nicky Ryan

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