Trinity’s University Times apologises to Iona Institute

The University Times has apologised to the founder of the Iona Institute, David Quinn in relation to defamatory remarks printed in articles in the paper last month.

The Trinity student newspaper had been threatened with legal action relating to two articles entitled “What Lies Behind the Façade?” and “Queerly Beloved”.

The articles, written by Trinity students Conor Kenny and Paul Doyle respectively, challenged an anti-gay marriage video produced by the Catholic organisation. Both have since been removed from the paper’s website.

Quinn had threatened the University Times with legal action early last week. In a letter to Owen Bennett, University Times Editor and Trinity Students’ Union Communications officer, a solicitor representing Quinn stated that these articles “strongly attack the video and the reasoning which informs it”.

According to Bennett, the letter also said that Quinn felt “personally defamed” by certain references made to him in Kenny’s article. This letter provoked the subsequent apology by the University Times.

In its apology to Quinn, the paper said it “unreservedly apologise for the hurt and distress caused to Mr Quinn and his family and colleagues at the Iona Institute” and welcomed the opportunity for him to reply.

Quinn responded to the paper stating that he would not seek any damages. His full reply was published in the latest edition of the University Times.

According to the institute the video, named ‘The Case for Man/Woman Marriage’, is aimed at “giving children what they long for, namely the love of a mother and father”. The YouTube video, which has received over 70,000 views to date, promotes the idea of a man/woman marriage and criticises same sex unions.

Sharron Lynskey

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