DCU Ryan academy to support female start-ups

DCU Ryan Academy has set up a programme to tackle the gap between the rate of female and male start-ups in Ireland. The High Fliers Programme aims to help women start-up businesses.

The Academy identified three main challenges women entrepreneurs need and which the programme will address: that felame entrepreneurs lack self-belief, have difficulty developing an entrepreneurial mind-set and need to develop the ability to pitch and influence.

To target these challenges, DCU Ryan Academy has developed three workshops, to be delivered by management coach Struan Robertson.

The first workshop takes place on the 19th February and will concentrate on improving participants’ tenacity, self-belief and resilience. The workshop will help participants maximise their performance and work to their fullest ability.

The second workshop will take place on 6th March and will set out to educate participants on how to identify opportunities instead of concentrating on finding problems. The workshop aims to show participants how to rediscover their curiosity and creativity which will help them identify business opportunities.

The final workshop takes place on 20th March and focuses on how to be influential and make an impact when pitching a business and holding meetings.

The programme is tailored to suit the needs of existing and aspiring entrepreneurs. The High Fliers Programme is supported by The Ireland Funds, Intel, Vodafone Ireland and Enterprise Ireland.

Nicole O’Connor

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