DCU Young Fine Gael have passed motions to legislate for the X Case and abortion up to ten weeks.
During a meeting in November the branch held discussions on the issue and two motions were passed: “DCU YFG calls on the government to legislate for the X case without delay” and “DCU YFG calls on the government to legislate for abortion, with necessary guidelines, up to gestation threshold of 10 weeks”.
DCU YFG Chairperson, Ryan Hunt said: “It is the branch’s opinion that the issue cannot be ignored any longer and we would like to see clarity brought by means of appropriate legislation. It is time we removed this ambiguity and replaced it with transparent legislation. We are obliged by the judgement of the European Court of Human Rights to follow through with this motion and I hope we see progress soon.”
Hunt believes the issue is a sensitive one and must be considered carefully.
“This issue is one that must be discussed in Irish society and I felt it was important for the branch to agree with our policy. Given the emotions that erupted following the tragic death of Savita Halappanavar,we did not rush into this discussion, as it is too easy to jump to conclusions. We have had time to consider our stance and the branch has made its policy clear.”
DCU YFG Secretary, Una Clarke, who proposed the motion on abortions for up to 10 weeks said; “I think in 21st century Ireland we have to be realistic about the issue of abortion in our society. The options for an abortion are already open; however, the problem is simply being diverted to the UK. In a situation where a woman really feels she needs an abortion, she won’t be stopped.
“I believe that by legalising abortion in Ireland, at least women would be offered suitable medical and psychiatric after-care, before and after the procedure. The fact that over 4,000 women who seek abortion abroad every single year would indicate that this is a domestic problem.”
Gill Fitzsimons