Eyes Don’t Lie: How To Read People’s Minds

People receive information from their surrounding environment, which their brain then stores in certain locations as pictures, sounds or feelings.

When a person wants to recall some information, their eyes have to move to a certain location to get this information back. If you know how to read eyes, you will be able to know what type of information is recalled, whether it’s pictures, sounds or feelings.

The great news is that you will also be able to know if this information is recalled from the brain (had been seen or heard) or just created in the brain (had not been seen or heard before).

For example, if your friend told you they saw the pyramids in Egypt, you will be able to know whether this is the truth or a lie. This is because our eyes move to one direction when creating pictures when lying or imagining something, and in a different direction when recalling pictures which have actually been seen. In addition, you will also be able to know whether or not people are listening to you.

However, learning to read eyes will not make you a mind reader, but will give you some iea as to what the other person is thinking. The following table summarises the six main eye movements:

Eye’s Movement Meaning

Visual Constructed:
This person creates pictures which don’t exist in brain (maybe lies).

Visual Remembered:
This person recall pictures which already exist in brain (maybe truths).

Auditory Constructed:
This person creates sounds which he/she did not hear before.

Auditory Remembered:
This person recalls sounds which were heard before.

This person is feeling a strong emotion, such as love, hate or sadness.

Auditory Digital/Internal Dialogue:
This person talks to themselves. They might be trying to remember some details.

1) The pictures above assume that you are facing the other person (so that their left is your right).
2) These illustrations are mostly for right-handed people. For left-handed people the eye pattern chart is flipped.
3) This pattern applies to everyone, except one race;the Basques in Spain seem to have some exceptions to these rules.
4) These rules are accurate for 90% of the people you meet. For the remaining 10% of people, you may still discover their eyes movements by direct tests for each case.
5) To accurately judge what the person is thinking, you have to focus on the eyes because the brain is very fast and eyes might move in less than a second.

It is strongly recommended that you perform these tests on one of your friends and then ask them to perform them on you for practice. The following questions might be a good start:

1) How many windows do you have in your home? (Visual Remembered)
2) What would your car look like in 15 years if you never washed it? (Visual Constructed)
3) What does your favorite song sound like? (Auditory Remembered)
4) What would your voice sound like if you were Donald Duck? (Auditory Constructed)
5) What does it feel like to take a warm bath? (Kinesthetic)
6) What does your voice sound like when you talk to yourself? (Internal Dialogue)

Finally, be careful not to judge people until you have enough experience in recongising the different eye movements. In order to learn, start watching eye patterns of others and put meaning to them by asking better questions and respond based on their eyes movements. This really is a great skill to have as a master communicator, and it makes a fantastic party trick.

Naser Albugami

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