Pif, paf, pouf, and other international adventures

Have you ever heard of pif, paf, pouf?

It’s a French drinking game. I have to admit that I have played it once or twice since coming to DCU, for journalistic purposes only of course. But this isn’t about how to play that game; it’s about the crazy people who played that brilliant game with me, and who represent an important part of the DCU community, the international students. The College View asked these students about their time in DCU so far.
What are the greatest things to happen to you in Ireland so far?

“I won free drinks in a table quiz for putting stickers of a cartoon pig named Olivia on our answer sheets, spent two hours trying to explain to a French boy why pigs say Oink Oink, and decided to walk an hour and a half to ‘the beach’.” (Summer, USA)
“One of the best moments so far was two weeks ago, when some Erasmus students and I went to the harbour. It was quite a long walk and we didn’t know how to get there, so it was kind of an adventure. But finally, we arrived and found a good place right in front of the sea to sit down and drink a beer. Great moment. I had a lot of fun.” (Alex, Germany).
Best party you’ve been to so far?

“The Graffiti party, anywhere on Arthur’s Day, the Big Tree on Mondays and for the All-Ireland Final.” (Amanda, USA).
“For me, definitely the Orientation Ball when DJ Fresh was playing. I just love his music. In Germany, there are not a lot of good Drum’n’Bass concerts and I think it’s nearly impossible to invite someone like DJ Fresh for a student party where I live, because not many people like this kind of music. The Mexican and the Graffiti party were very cool parties too.” (Alex, Germany)
“Graffiti party was awesome.” (Summer, USA)
Describe Irish people in one word.

“Friendly.” (Kamilia, France)
“Craic.” (Amanda, USA)
“Loud.” (Summer, USA)
“Open-hearted.” (Alex, Germany)
How does your life differ from the lives of Irish students?

“Being international is very hard. When I got here I had no phone, no internet access and no money. I couldn’t even talk to my mom. It’s really hard because Irish students go home every weekend to see their families and that’s not possible for us. And the time difference… I am eight hours ahead here so I can’t talk to anyone until they wake up, which is when my day is almost over.” (Summer, USA)
“I think that classes here are easier than in Germany, but I haven’t taken any exam yet. Anyway, classes are definitely more practical while the German ones are very theoretical.’ (Johanna, Germany)
“Guinness tastes better here.” (Richard, France)

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