Finnegan critical of ‘abortion on demand’

Tom Finnegan has criticised the UK and the Netherlands for having what he described as ‘abortion on demand’.

Mr. Finnegan, the parliamentary assistant to Senator Rónán Mullen, stepped in for Senator Mullen at a talk in DCU on Thursday about the issue of abortion and the X-case.

Senetor Mullen cancelled for undisclosed personal reasons, instead sending his parliamentary assistant as a replacement.

The talk was arranged by the DCU Secular and Sceptic society. It was the society’s first event since their establishment this year.

Finnegan began his talk by saying “myself, I’m a Catholic” but stated he would not bring religion into it and argue his case as if in a court of law or house of parliament. He said he was speaking for himself not Senator Mullen.

Finnegan spoke in favour of the life of the child and said abortion is the “targeting of a child’s life”. He described the Netherlands and the UK as effectively having “abortion on demand”. Arguing against abortion in cases of cancer he said any treatment during the illness was shown to have no effect on the child in most cases.

He made exception in the case of ectopic pregnancy where the fetus is implanted outside the womb (uterus). The fetus cannot survive but the condition is life-threatening to the mother. In this case he said it is “perfectly fine and justified to give all medical treatment” as the child is not intentionally killed.

Finnegan has worked with Senator Mullen for four years and is studying for a PHD in the area of human rights and medicine.

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