By Adam Higgins, Deputy News Editor
Sixty-seven per cent of DCU’s degree programmes increased in entry points in this year’s first round CAO offers.
DCU made 2,364 first round offers to CAO applicants this year, providing an extra 284 places to prospective students compared to last year.
The increase in interest in DCU’s courses has led to inflation of the entry points required for many subjects. Science, technology, engineering and business with a language have grown significantly.
Computer Application’s jumped up 60 points to 400 while Biotechnology has increased 30 points to 465.
Engineering has increased by 23% to 370 while most of the specialised engineering courses have also risen in points.
DCU’s European Business with a Language courses also made a big jump in entry requirements with Business with French and German increasing by 50 points and 45 points respectively.
Chemical and Pharmaceutical Science increased 45 points to 470, while Applied Physics rose from 360 to 410.
DCU’s maths courses also seen an increase in demand with Actuarial Maths climbing up 35 points to 515, and Actuarial, Financial and Mathematical Sciences (common entry) rising from 400 to 450.
On the other hand, the School of Communications seen a drop in points for most of its courses, with Journalism falling from 440 to 410 and Communications falling 15 points to 425. The fall in points for Humanities and Social Science courses is down to a 20% increase in the number of places available for applicants. The BA in Communications increased from 85 places to 100, while the BA’s in Journalism and Economics, Politics and Law also seen an increase in places.
Welcoming the announcements, DCU President, Brian MacCraith said, “The increased demand for DCU courses reflects a growing recognition by Irish students of DCU as an institution delivering a first-class education with a strong focus on the graduate attributes necessary to flourish in and contribute to 21st Century society. This is due in no small part to the excellence and efforts of our academic community.”