3rd of October 2012

A new college year brings about a lot of change around DCU. Since last year we’ve seen a new team elected to the Students’ Union, which I think could be very good for DCU. Paul Doherty, Aaron Clougher and Neil Patrick Collins have had a very good start in the SU with a well organised and very well run Freshers’ Fortnight.

For the new team to come into the SU and get to grips with everything so fast is a credit to them, but they will ultimately be judged on how the whole college year pans out, not just the first two weeks. One thing is for sure, these guys deserve a chance and hopefully they’ll get a fair shot at leaving their mark on the SU and DCU as a university.

Change is always good, but one vital part of DCU that remains the same is the university President, Brian MacCraith. Professor MacCraith is only one year into his term as president but we have already seen his impact on the university.

The continuous stream of good news stories emanating from DCU over the summer was a joy to see. From DCU’s involvement in the new Institute of Education with Mater Dei Institute of Education (MDI), St Patrick’s College, Drumcondra (SPD), and the Church of Ireland College of Education (CICE) to seeing DCU launch their new Strategic Plan, Brian has been a driving force since becoming president last year.

Sometimes change can lead to good, but in this case DCU looks to be benefiting greatly from the continued work of Professor MacCraith.

It’s been a very busy summer for the DCU hierarchy who have had to deal with many different DCU related new storiess. For the new SU, it’s been a summer about fees that will no doubt continue to rage on. It is vitally important that the SU decide on a stance that they can work toward. Students want a Students’ Union that will work for them and this is one place that the new sabbatical officers can’t stray from.

Change is also happening as we, at The College View, begin our own tenure on the editorial team. For many of the editorial team, it is a new adventure and a learning curve that will take time to get used to. As Editor-in-Chief, all I hope is that the newspaper team is given time to mould together and do what we can to inform the DCU student base of the goings on around the DCU campus. Whether it’s News, Sport, Irish, Features, Food & Travel or Flux, we hope that you take the time to give The College View a chance. A chance to inform, a chance to entertain and a chance to be part of DCU.

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