EU opportunities for graduates with two languages

By Aisling Kett

Minister for European Affairs, Lucinda Creighton told students that there are plenty of jobs in the EU when she spoke at an EU jobs fair in the Helix last Tuesday.
The minister was one of a number of speakers at the fair, which informed students of the job opportunities in the EU after they graduate.
She said there are annual recruitment competitions for which graduates can apply. The recruitment process for these competitions is nine months long.
Minister Creighton emphasised that jobs were available for all of Ireland’s graduates, not just recent graduates. She said young students should take advantage of the fact that many EU institutions are interested in hiring more young people.
Applicants need to be fluent in two languages to apply for the jobs competitions. A second language is required for jobs in EU institutions, such as the European parliament.
Other speakers at the fair were Anne McEvoy from the European Parliament Information Office in Dublin and Joan Flanagan from the European Commission Representation in Ireland. A representative from the European Personal Selection Office (ESPO) also spoke at the fair.
ESPO is a site that gives information on upcoming EU job opportunities and competitions. is a site created by the Department of the Taoiseach that has links to information on EU jobs opportunities.
Currently there are jobs available in external relations, audit, legal services and public administrators. The minister said, “So many opportunities [are available], you just have to find them.”
Questions after the speeches focused on the compulsory second language for registration.
DCU Sinn Féin staged a protest outside the Helix during the jobs fair. The society protested against the EU Fiscal Compact Treaty. They urged students to vote against the treaty in the upcoming referendum, which they believe will bring more years of austerity to Ireland.
Minister Creighton is a DCU alumnus after studying for a Masters in International Relations in the university.

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