SU to lobby the government on voting age

The Students’ Union are to campaign for a reduction in the voting age from 18 years of age to 16.

A motion supporting this was put forward at a Class Rep Council meeting and passed by 25 votes to 12.

The Returning Officer, Sean Rooney, put forward the motion at the meeting.

Reducing the voting age to sixteen would allow all third level students to have a say in Dáil and presidential elections, and constitutional referendums.

It is argued that a reduction in the voting age would encourage young people to be more interested and involved in politics.

Rooney also drew attention to the fact that the minimum age for membership of the Dáil is twenty-one while the voting age is eighteen. It was suggested that a separate campaign be started to lobby on this.

The voting age was reduced from 21 to 18 in 1973, following a referendum in 1972.

It was also suggested at the council meeting that the Students’ Union approach other universities to lobby on the issue with DCU to create a stronger campaign.

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