Arrest made on campus for bike theft

By Lauren Kelly

An arrest was made on campus last week for the theft of bicycles.

Bicycle thefts have risen dramatically on the DCU campus in the past number of weeks. An Garda Síochana have said that this is a nationwide problem at the moment.

“We have been working with the Gardaí and an arrest was made last week and the suspect will be brought before the courts in the near future. However, I do believe there is more than one group responsible for these thefts” said Security Services Manager, Ray Wheatley.

An Garda Síochana Sergeant, Brian Whelan, said ‘‘It may be wise to use two good locks to prevent the theft of wheels and make sure your bicycle stands upright as vandals tend to jump on and buckle wheels.”

Mr Wheatley has sent out an email to all students with tips on how to keep bicycles safe around the campus.

Students should always take a photo of the bicycle and serial number as it may help in retrieving it and always use the bicycle racks provided on the DCU campus as they are covered by CCTV.  Most of the bicycles stolen from the campus were inadequately locked.

There will be clinics around campus this week with members of the security team and An Garda Síochana giving out advice to cyclists. Students can also contact the DCU security on Ext. 8990 for advice or assistance.

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